Tasmania (Tasmania, abbreviated as: TAS) is Australia's only island state, 240 kilometers south of Victoria, in the middle of the Bath Channel (Bass Strait), including the main islands of Tasmania and Bruni Island, Golden Island, Flinders Island, Macquarie Island and many coastal islands, known as "Natural State", also known as "Apple Island", "Holiday State", "Australian version of New Zealand," characterized by beautiful scenery and simple humanities.
Tasmania resources are rich and diverse. The central and western regions have hydropower development, the western forests provide raw materials for the hardwood and pulp and paper industries, the dairy industry and mixed farming are dominated by the wetter northern regions, and the drier central and eastern coasts are widely grazing sheep. The southeast specializes in horticulture.
Horbart is the capital city and the largest city in Tata, with a permanent population of about two hundred and twenty thousand (2016), while (Launceston) and Davenport (Devonport) are the second and third largest cities.