Lysterfield Park, located on the southeast outskirts of Melbourne, Victoria, is about 40 kilometers by car from the city of Melbourne, adjacent to Churchill National Park (Churchill National Park), which covers an area of 13.98 square kilometers.
Lysterfield Park前身是建于1936年的莱斯特菲尔德水库(Lysterfield Reservoir),1979年水库不再使用后,改名为莱斯特菲尔德湖(Lysterfield Reservoir),而湖周边地区则作为公园对公众开放。
Lysterfield Park可提供一系列休闲活动,最知名的是山地自行车运动,公园内拥有 20公里的自行车道,适合所有年龄和水平的自行车手,加之公园内生活着众多的野生动物,在骑车时和袋鼠等小动物不期而遇是再常见不过的事了。此外,公园内还可选择相对轻松的家庭路径与家人共享湖水和公园绿地的美景,或是一系列蜿蜒曲折的单人路径穿越繁茂的种植园,也可选择横跨岩石地貌的陡峭路段来场技术性的挑战。
Lake Leicfield in the park is popular for its wide range of activities, including canoes, sailboats, paddle rowing and surfing and skiing, with footpaths around the lake that take about two hours to circle.
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