Balmain Market is located in Bauman (Balmain), on the western outskirts of Sydney, the capital of New South Wales, about 5 kilometers from the heart of Sydney.
Balmain Market, located at the St. Andrews Congregation's (St Andrews Congregational Church) site, was built in 1855, more than 150 years old, and is on the New South Wales list of historic sites.
Balmain Market, founded in 1977, is the third-oldest fair in Sydney on a modest scale, but mahjock, though small and well-rounded, manages a wide variety of commodities, ranging from household clutter to vegetables, melon and fruit, clothing, textiles, and handicrafts. There are also fixed stalls to provide on-the-spot massage services, which can be said to have all but one of the most famous is the collection of old books and old paintings, the vague cover with the already yellowed pages of paper, a heavy sense of the times can not help but come across the face. It is tempting to keep an eye on these old things, so many people think that Balmain Market is the birthplace of Sydney poets. In addition, there will be a number of Australian-style handicraft stalls in the market, full of innovative products and promotional methods to learn more about Australian culture and shopping itself more fun.
Open hours: