Devils@Cradle is located in the (Central Highlands) area of central Heights in northern Tasmania. Devils@Cradle is only 500m from Rocket Mountain-Lake St. Clair National Park (Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park) entrance), about 320km from Horbart, the capital of Tasmania, and 140km from (Launceston), the second largest city in Tasmania.
Tasmanian demonic bag badger, a marsupial carnivore that lives only in Tasmania, is the only unextinct member of the genus Tasmania, about the same size as an ordinary puppy, but well-muscled and strong. Features include black fur, stench when attacked, shrill calls, and the look of eating.
In addition to the Tasmanian demons, there are two endangered carnivorous marsupial animals unique to the island of Tasmania: the spotted knotted weasel and the eastern knotted weasel. The reserve has a Tasmanian badger conservation program in place, including on-site breeding programs to sustain species. During the day and at night, tourists can come to the reserve and observe these extraordinary animals at close range.
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