National Arboretum Canberra is located on the western outskirts of Canberra, the capital of Australia, on the west bank of Griffin Lake (Lake Burley Griffin) at the foot of (Black Mountain) Mountain, Montenegro, about 8 kilometers from the city of Canberra and covers an area of about 250 hectares.
After a devastating fire in January 2003, the local government proposed the establishment of an internationally influential national botanical garden,. National Arboretum Canberra, to redefine the meaning of public gardens in the 21st century. It gathered more than 100 endangered species from around the world on 250 hectares of land ravaged by the blaze.
The forest of more than 100 kinds of plants not only provides a unique experience paradise for the public, but also is a future seed bank as well as the feeling of being shrouded in the forest. Base terrain design, using the method of element contrast, designed full of dramatic terrain. In the open space of the forest, a set of comparative space experience places are formed, which complement each other with some sports facilities and form a whole. These spaces enrich the visitor's experience and provide an opportunity to learn more about plants. As it develops in the future, the National Botanical Garden will establish links with all parts of the world, interact with information and exchange plant materials, and will reclaim the entire Botanical Garden on the basis of ecology and artistry. Reverse the decline in biodiversity.
The village center (Village Centre) is the symbol of National Arboretum Canberra and the main visitor arriving at the gathering point, providing visitors with services such as inquiry, dissemination of relevant knowledge and explanation, as well as shops and high-end cafes. The architecture is extremely modern, with outdoor sculptural shapes and undulating terrain, low stone wings in contrast to high-level weathered zinc vaults, inspired by the long leaves of the nearby Chilean red wine palm forest.
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