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Croajingolong National Park

Gale Hill Track, Wingan River VIC 3891, Australia

Introduction of Croajingolong National Park

Croajingolong National Park, located in the Gippsland region of eastern Victoria, is about 490km from Melbourne, Victoria's capital, covering 883.55 sq km.

Croajingolong National Park, named after a local tribe that once lived here, has a 100-kilometer coastline, and the landscape is very changeable, it's a step-by-step view, with magical rock caves, turbulent water, tranquil lakes and boundless deserts, and every landscape can be haunted and shouted at. Visitors can raft through Mallacota Lakes inside the national park, climb the Genoa Peak for a spectacular panoramic view of the coast, or visit the vast dunes of the Thurra River.

Hidden deep in the southwestern corner of the National Park, the Point Hicks Lights Station is a magnificent concrete tower built in 1890, while the Gabo Island Lights Station on Gabo Island in the eastern part of the National Park, built of distinctive pink granite, can travel by plane or ship, and both lighthouses offer tours and accommodation.

Croajingolong National Park has not only a very magnificent landscape, but also a rich indigenous culture. The secluded coastal camp sites are the perfect base for beach walks, bird watching, boating and fishing, while the other camping sites in the Bloodwood Forest are more spectacular, requiring access by electric boats, most of which have no power system, only toilets, public fireplaces and picnic tables.

The coastal town of Mallacoota is located in Croajingolong National Park.

Open time:

    All day
Australia - Victoria
Attraction - National Park
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