LEGERWOOD CARVED MEMORIAL TREES is located in the inland northeast of Tasmania town of Dorset (Dorset), about 80 kilometers from (Launceston), the second largest city in Tasmania.
LEGERWOODCARVEDMEMORIALTREES was built in 1918 to mark the soldiers who died in World War I. These trees were planted in the ceremony in the Ringarooma Road(renamed Langwood)Railway Reserve in December 1918. Before planting, each time a name is declared, the relatives of the dead soldier come up and hold the small tree tightly.
In 2001, it was reported that the woods were no longer safe and the community was destroyed, and commemorative trees were feared to disappear. By 2004, it had been decided to carve every stump into the look of every soldier. Legewood Hall and the protected area community asked Eddy Freeman (Eddie Freeman), a chainsaw sculptor from Ross (Ross), to carve these works, as well as many scenes depicting World War I.
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