Cascades Female Factory Historic Site (Cascade Female Factory Historic Site) is located in Hobart., capital of Tasmania.
Cascades Female Factory Historic Site, a former factory building for female prisoners in exile, is being renovated and renovated. Cascades Female Factory Historic Site is one of 11 sites at (Australian Convict Sites), Australia's convict exile site, assessed by UNESCO as the World Cultural Heritage site.
The scenic spots have instruction guides, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 7 days a week. Each lecture line is about 45 minutes, along with a play called "her Story" (Her Story), which provides a deeper insight into the historical events that have taken place in the prison factory for about 11 minutes and about 45 minutes.
From downtown follow Davey Street to the southwest, turn into Cascade Road and be there for about 10 minutes.
Ticket A $5; < her story > A $20 for adults, A $12.5 for children and A $60 for families.