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Schouten Island

Schouten Island, Tasmania 7215, Australia

Introduction of Schouten Island

Located on the east coast of Tasmania, Schouten Island is about 1.6km north from (Freycinet Peninsula) on the Fichina Peninsula and 18km from Tasmanian Island to the west. It covers an area of about 28 square kilometers and is part of the (Freycinet National Park) of Fichina National Park.

Named by Dutch surveyors in 1642, Schouten Island is a rugged island with a height of 400m above sea level of Mount Floory.. The island's vegetation consists of eucalyptus forests in the western conglomerate soil, irrigation forests in the granite soil in the east, and desert areas in the middle. Small penguins and short-tailed Cahow live on the island, and the eastern coast is home to the Australian fur seal (Australian fur seal).

Schouten Island is welcomed by campers and kayakers, and there are no settlements or public ferry services on the island, allowing visitors to hire boats from (Coles Bay), the small town of Cos Bay, north of Fichina National Park. This makes the island feel even more alien. There are walkways on the island, shacks near (Moreys Bay) in Mores Bay, and camping in nearby Claus Bay (Crocketts Bay).


  • Tickets for admission to Fichina National Park, per car, US $24 per car, up to 8 persons

Open time:

    All day
Australia - Tasmania
Attraction - Beach
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