Phillip Island Grand Prix Circuit is located in (Phillip Island)., Philip Island, about 140km southeast of Victoria's capital, Melbourne.
As the birthplace of Australian motorsports, Phillip Island Grand Prix Circuit is by far the fastest and smoothest track in the world at the (Grand Prix Motorcycle Racing) World Motorcycle Championships. In the motorcycle championships, the status of the Melbourne Grand Prix track in F1 is equal to that of the Grand Prix. Its long history of racing culture and Philip Island's beautiful coastline attracted countless visitors.
菲利普岛有着悠久的赛车历史,早在1931年这里就举办了第一届摩托车赛,1956年建成了一条永久赛道;经历工程浩大的翻修后,1989年世界摩托车大奖赛回到这里并成为常规的赛事项目;2006年,Phillip Island Grand Prix Circuit经过革命性的全新升级,更新了基础设施和赛场的电子设备,并引入了卡丁车比赛,使得赛道空前火热。如今,Phillip Island Grand Prix Circuit已经成为了世界一流的赛车场之一。2014年2月21日,“世界超级摩托车锦标赛”(World Superbike Championship,简称WSBK)的澳大利亚站在Phillip Island Grand Prix Circuit盛大举行。
来菲利普岛的游客可以亲自体验一下菲利普岛上的这一标志性场地,体会Phillip Island Grand Prix Circuit带来的视觉与心灵的双重震撼。菲利普岛大奖赛赛车道有众多不可错过的驾驭体验,游客可以在750速比的模拟大奖赛赛车道(Replica Grand Prix Track)上开着卡丁车驰骋,用疾驰的乐趣,感受这条赛道上世界冠军们曾经挥洒过的汗水和激情;也可以挑战自己与时间赛跑,赛后还可以将印有单圈时间的成绩单带走留做纪念。这里还有双排座的卡丁车(Tandem Karts),适合全家一起享受亲子时光;或者来体验一下真正比赛的感觉,在菲利普岛赛车环道(Phillip Island Circuit)上以闪电般的速度连开三圈,像一个真正赛车手一样体验速度带来的心跳和震撼。
The racing guide on the island allows visitors to visit the track closely, follow the champion of the motorcycle race, visit the lanes of the World Motorcycle Championships, and even enter all closed areas around the track. Including the "World Motorcycle Championships" sound simulation area on the viaduct, rebroadcast the exciting scenes of the event control center (Race Control), Media Center (Media Centre), repair lane (Pit Lane), repair ceiling (Pit Roof), You can also visit the driver's favorite spot: champagne-sprayed champion podium.
To learn more about Philip Island's long-standing racing culture, go to the tourist Service Center to see the racing history exhibition (Visitor Centre') S History of Motorsport Display), revisited the exciting moments here and shared the crazy adventures of the car pioneers; Take a look at the old, classic and modern cars and motorcycles that have been used by racers in the show. If you don't feel comfortable, go to the gift shop and buy some racing-related gifts for a souvenir, or pack a delicious meal at the championship cafe on the court, stroll around the beach and enjoy the afternoon's leisurely time.
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