Lincoln's Rock (Lincoln's Rock) is located on the southern outskirts of Wentworth Falls (Wentworth Falls), on the (Blue Mountains National Park) side of Blue Mountain National Park in eastern New South Wales, about 8 kilometers from the town of Lula (Leura).
Lincoln's Rock is a large, flat rock area formerly known as slate (Flat Rock) or wedding rock (Wedding Rock, because newlyweds often come here to take wedding photos. You can walk a short distance from the parking place without having to walk very hard.
Lincoln's Rock was named after the Australian mountaineer Lincoln Hall (Lincoln Hall), who lived in Wentworth Falls for 20 years and died in 2002.
Lincoln's Rock on the ground left behind many couples left behind marks, dates and love, some can even track back into the 1970 s.
At Lincoln's Rock, you can enjoy the scenic and spectacular view of (Jamison Valley) in the Jamison Valley, and the important reason why it is very popular here is that tourists can take pictures of the Buddha sitting on the edge of the cliff from a clever angle, but in fact there is a terrace below, which makes it all less dangerous.
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