
What time zone is Australia in? What is the time difference between Beijing time and China?

[Living]     23 Oct 2017
Many friends do not know how much time difference there is between Australia and China. In fact, although Australia has a size of three to four in China, it has only one standard time (Beijing time, UTC 8:00). Australia has three time zones. There are three different types of time difference between China and China, namely, no time difference, 1.5 hours faster and 2 hours faster, and during the an...

Many friends do not know how much time difference there is between Australia and China. In fact, although Australia has a size of three to four in China, it has only one standard time (Beijing time, UTC 8:00). Australia has three time zones. There are three different types of time difference between China and China, namely, no time difference, 1.5 hours faster and 2 hours faster, and during the annual summer time period (about October to April of the following year), due to the fact that some states use daylight saving time and some do not. The time difference between China and China has increased to five, namely, no time difference, 1.5 hours, 2 hours, 2.5 hours and 3 hours, respectively.

Australia is divided into three time zones:

Daylight savings time:

World time Zone:

  • Greenwich mean time (Greenwich Mean Time,GMT) is based on zero longitude, starting from this line to the east and west to calculate the global time zone, a term that has now been widely replaced by (UTC) (World Standard time).

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