
Melbourne's three most beautiful lavender gardens. I'm going to be a romantic fairy.

[Free Tour]     13 Oct 2018
The lovely spring finally came, and all kinds of lovely flowers opened in succession. In addition to those that looked beautiful alone, tulips, cherry blossoms, in the early summer season, Monica's favorite fragrance of lavender was about to open!

The lovely spring finally came, and all kinds of lovely flowers opened in succession. In addition to those that looked beautiful alone, tulips, cherry blossoms, in the early summer season, Monica's favorite fragrance of lavender was about to open!

Melbourne's three most beautiful lavender gardens. I'm going to be a romantic fairy.

Although speaking of lavender, the first reaction will be the lavender garden in Tasmania.

Melbourne's three most beautiful lavender gardens. I'm going to be a romantic fairy.

But Melbourne is also surrounded by beautiful lavender manor, suitable for the Road Trip, drive within an hour and a half.

Red Hill Lavender Farm and Distillery 

Melbourne's three most beautiful lavender gardens. I'm going to be a romantic fairy.


This lavender garden in Mornigton can be said to be very delicate and beautiful.

Open grass and green leaves, with large patches of purple lavender, shine purple in the sun.

Melbourne's three most beautiful lavender gardens. I'm going to be a romantic fairy.

The whole Farm scene is perfect.

Melbourne's three most beautiful lavender gardens. I'm going to be a romantic fairy.

A log-colored door plate

Melbourne's three most beautiful lavender gardens. I'm going to be a romantic fairy.

A large area of purple with flowers elsewhere on the farm. It's really beautiful.

Melbourne's three most beautiful lavender gardens. I'm going to be a romantic fairy.

The farm also has small bridge and flowing water these classic scenery, is the kind of beauty that can be treated as a postcard at any time.

fine food

There is also a fabulous restaurant near the manor, where all the brunch, ingredients are available all day.

Melbourne's three most beautiful lavender gardens. I'm going to be a romantic fairy.

The light-colored restaurant adornment with the plants and green space outside the window is very beautiful.

Melbourne's three most beautiful lavender gardens. I'm going to be a romantic fairy.

The restaurant's food is also very attentively, each meal is carefully designed by the chef.

Melbourne's three most beautiful lavender gardens. I'm going to be a romantic fairy.
Melbourne's three most beautiful lavender gardens. I'm going to be a romantic fairy.

Pick a sunny afternoon and enjoy a healthy organic lunch. It's very pleasant.

Address: 284 Main Creek Rd, Main Ridge VIC 3928

Open hours: Monday and weekend only: 8:30Am-4:00PM

Main Ridge Harvest

Melbourne's three most beautiful lavender gardens. I'm going to be a romantic fairy.

From time to time, his family will provide the construction of well-packed lavender bouquets, to bring home.

[机] aspic oil

In addition to lavender bouquets, lavender manor also has lavender oil as a base for a variety of soothing aromatherapy supplies.

Melbourne's three most beautiful lavender gardens. I'm going to be a romantic fairy.

Self-made incense

There are farm home-made incense, all natural hand-made, the fragrance is very approachable and non-aggressive. Bring home the pure smell of the lavender farm and feel the light smell every day.

Melbourne's three most beautiful lavender gardens. I'm going to be a romantic fairy.

Address: 284 Main Creek Rd, Main Ridge.

Opening hours: Fri-Mon 8:30am-4pm

Lavandula Swiss Italian Farm


Melbourne's three most beautiful lavender gardens. I'm going to be a romantic fairy.

Lavandula's full name is Lavandula Swiss-Italian lavender farm (Lavandula Swiss Italian Farm), says it's a lavender garden rather than a big garden with different flowers blooming every season.

Melbourne's three most beautiful lavender gardens. I'm going to be a romantic fairy.

This season's Lavandula will also have sporadic cherry blossoms, and things will not be surprised to open.

Melbourne's three most beautiful lavender gardens. I'm going to be a romantic fairy.

The petals of cherry blossoms look like sunshine, pure and beautiful

Lavender champagne

Melbourne's three most beautiful lavender gardens. I'm going to be a romantic fairy.

His home can be said to have pioneered the opening of lavender., Lavender champagne is something Monica has never tried, and the wonderful taste of lavender and alcohol is very special.

Lavender Tea

Melbourne's three most beautiful lavender gardens. I'm going to be a romantic fairy.

Lavender Tea is also one of Monica's favorites, and his efficacy is to calm down.

Monica often drinks a cup of lavender tea bag at night and sleeps very well all night. Lavandula's Lavender Tea is made of fresh lavender from the manor.


Melbourne's three most beautiful lavender gardens. I'm going to be a romantic fairy.

His family has a choice of accommodation in the manor. Night accompanied by the fragrance of lavender into the room, wake up in the morning window is full of lavender, just want to thank nature.

Address: 350 Hepburn-Newstead Road Shepherds Flat 3461

Development time: 10:30AM-5:30PM

Warratina Lavender Farm 

Warratina Lavender Farm is the nearest lavender garden to Melbourne.

Melbourne's three most beautiful lavender gardens. I'm going to be a romantic fairy.

Great weekend to feel a large slice of lavender, eat a sip of lavender ice cream, and harvest a just-good handful of lavender home, easy day back and forth.

Melbourne's three most beautiful lavender gardens. I'm going to be a romantic fairy.

It is a very good souvenir to pick down a bunch of lavender and bring it home.

Melbourne's three most beautiful lavender gardens. I'm going to be a romantic fairy.

It is also a very simple and beautiful thing to walk around the flowers at the best time of the lavender in the summer, surrounded by fragrance and purple petals.

Melbourne's three most beautiful lavender gardens. I'm going to be a romantic fairy.

Then sit down in Tea Room, have a lavender afternoon tea, lavender Sikang, ice cream with Lavender Tea, all day turned purple ~

Melbourne's three most beautiful lavender gardens. I'm going to be a romantic fairy.

After eating, go shopping for a Gift Store.

Melbourne's three most beautiful lavender gardens. I'm going to be a romantic fairy.

A variety of lavender-scented incense products, as well as lavender bears and lavender koalas, can bring lavender home for preservation.

Address: 105 Quayle Road Wandin North 3139

Development time: except Tuesday closed, Monday to Sunday 9:00AM-4:00PM

After looking at so many purple lavender, plan your journey quickly and find the purple early summer that belongs to you.

Finally, although the lavender season every year is from October to January of the following year, but climate change will affect the flowering period, so make sure to check the official website before departure, pay attention to the lavender flowering season oh!

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