Edge Hill

Edge Hill, Queensland, 4870

  ranked 2 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Aggregate Data of Edge Hill
State: Queensland
Overall rating: 8.9, ranked 2 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Population: 3873, ranked 17 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Measurement: 2.6037 km2 , ranked 35 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Population density: 1487.5 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 4.7 km
Average level of education: 11.15 years , ranked 10 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Median yearly personal income: 35776 AUD , ranked 11 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Median weekly personal income: 688 AUD , ranked 11 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Median weekly family income: 1424 AUD , ranked 19 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Median weekly household income: 1165 AUD , ranked 21 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Attraction near Edge Hill
Cairns Botanic Gardens
Cairns Esplanade Lagoon
Flecker Botanic Gardens
Centre of Contemporary Arts Cairns
Cairns ZOOM and Wildlife Dome
Mount Whitfield Conservation Park
Cairns Aquarium
Crystal Cascades
Reef Teach
Tanks Arts Centre
Cairns Museum
Cairns Regional Gallery
Food & shopping near Edge Hill
T Galleria by DFS, Cairns
The Raw Prawn
Cairns Central Shopping Centre
Cairns Night Markets
The Pier Shopping Centre
DFO Cairns
Dundee's Restaurant on the Waterfront
Regency Jewellers
Edge Hill suburbs nearby
Whitfield 4870
Manoora 4870
Aeroglen 4870
Manunda 4870
Brinsmead 4870
Stratford 4870
Cairns North 4870
Freshwater 4870
Kanimbla 4870
Updated: 2019-05-05 03:06:14