Mount Sheridan

Mount Sheridan, Queensland, 4868

  ranked 2 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Aggregate Data of Mount Sheridan
State: Queensland
Postal code: 4868 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Bayview Heights
Overall rating: 8.9, ranked 2 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Population: 7994, ranked 3 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Measurement: 6.739 km2 , ranked 17 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Population density: 1186.23 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 9 km
Average level of education: 11.02 years , ranked 21 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Median yearly personal income: 35412 AUD , ranked 12 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Median weekly personal income: 681 AUD , ranked 12 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Median weekly family income: 1563 AUD , ranked 8 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Median weekly household income: 1432 AUD , ranked 7 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Mount Sheridan suburbs nearby
Bentley Park 4869
Bayview Heights 4868
Edmonton 4869
Earlville 4870
Woree 4868
Mooroobool 4870
Bungalow 4870
Portsmith 4870
Westcourt 4870
Updated: 2019-05-05 09:20:17