Kewarra Beach

Kewarra Beach, Queensland, 4879

  ranked 2 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Aggregate Data of Kewarra Beach
State: Queensland
Postal code: 4879 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Clifton Beach
Palm Cove
Trinity Beach
Trinity Park
Overall rating: 8.9, ranked 2 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Population: 5302, ranked 8 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Measurement: 5.4479 km2 , ranked 24 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Population density: 973.22 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 18.1 km
Average level of education: 11.14 years , ranked 14 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Median yearly personal income: 35204 AUD , ranked 13 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Median weekly personal income: 677 AUD , ranked 13 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Median weekly family income: 1535 AUD , ranked 10 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Median weekly household income: 1389 AUD , ranked 10 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Attraction near Kewarra Beach
Palm Cove
Hartley's Crocodile Adventures
Trinity Beach
Kewarra Beach
Kewarra Beach suburbs nearby
Green Hill 4865
Clifton Beach 4879
Macalister Range 4871
Trinity Beach 4879
Trinity Park 4879
Palm Cove 4879
Smithfield 4878
Yorkeys Knob 4878
Kuranda 4881
Updated: 2019-05-16 01:24:45