The Port Kembla Lookout Hill 60 is located in Hill 60 Park in (Port Kembla), the southern suburb of Wollongong, the third largest city in New South Wales, about 10 kilometers from the city of Wollongong.
One of Wollongong's most popular viewing platforms, the Port Kembla Lookout Hill 60 is located north of (Port Kembla Beach), Port Cambra Beach, with a spectacular view of the magnificent (Tasman Sea) and coastline of the Tasman Sea. And the beautiful city views of Port Cambra and Wollongong. With picnic barbecue and toilet facilities, it is a great pleasure to enjoy whether it's a picnic party, just sitting on the grass, or jumping down a hill with a glider. The uphill road is steeper, but the car can drive very close to the viewing platform.
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