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Murray - Sunset National Park

Murray-Sunset VIC 3490, Australia

Introduction of Murray - Sunset National Park

Located in northwest Victoria, near the junction of Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia, Murray-Sunset National Park covers an area of about 6330 square kilometers and is the second largest national park in Victoria. Second only to Alpine National Park (Alpine National Park).

Founded in 1979, Murray-Sunset National Park borders, Sturt Hwy (A20, Australia's longest river, Sturt Hwy (A20) across the north of the park, but most of the national park is located in remote areas with no road access. Murray-Sunset National Park is one of the world's last semi-arid areas where the environment is relatively intact, with a very different landscape from the coastal areas, with wide open landscapes and boundless deserts. The thin trunk and the suffocating sunset and starry sky take more than a day to explore. In addition, in this rugged-looking national park, there is a beautiful pink lake, (Pink Lakes), a medium-sized salt lake in the south of Murray-Sunset National Park, which reflects pink in varying depths in the sun. In addition, there is a fairytale haven for small animals on Lindsay Island (Lindsay Island), where groups of cormorants and eagles can be seen.

The Murray-Sunset National Park camping site is luxurious and cozy, offering shacks, electrical barbecues and amenities necessary for basic living.


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    All day
Australia - Victoria
Attraction - National Park
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