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Lizard Island

Lizard Island, Lizard QLD 4892, Australia

Introduction of Lizard Island

Lizard Island (Lizard Island, is located on the sea surface of eastern Queensland, the northern tip of the famous Great Barrier Reef (Great Barrier Reef), about 250km from Cairns and covers an area of about 10 square kilometers.

Lizard Island is a holiday island with direct access from Keynes, covered by tropical forests, surrounded by coral reefs, and listed throughout the island as part of the Lizard Island Resort National Park, (Lizard Island National Park), where the island is covered by tropical forests and is surrounded by coral reefs and is listed throughout the island as part of the Lizard Island Resort National Park. The Lizard Island Resort, the only resort on (Lizard Island Resort) Island, is known for its luxury and elegance, with just 40 rooms and suites, with 24 white, soft private beaches that create its own romantic paradise for visitors. The interior of the resort is well decorated, guests can drink champagne, eat French dishes and enjoy the sunset in the guest room. Resorts have unique, 24-hour private pristine beaches, walk down the beaches and dive directly into the water to discover sleeping gardens, coral reefs and a variety of marine life. You can dive in a series of world-famous diving sites such as the outer reef or the inner reef.

Open time:

    All day
Australia - Queensland
Attraction - Beach
4.0 / 5
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