Located in (North Terrace), the famous North Street in the heart of Adelaide, Art Gallery of South Australia is located between the South Australian Museum (South Australian Museum) and the (The University of Adelaide) of Adelaide University. It is Australia's largest art gallery with a collection of ethnic arts. Every year attracts thousands of art lovers and tourists from all over the world.
Art Gallery of South Australia是世界一流的艺术馆,囊括了澳洲艺术界的所有大师级人物与杰出代表,其不失国际水准的艺术收藏品,包括罗丹(Rodin)的雕塑作品必将给您留下深刻的印象。此外,艺术馆还不定期地举行一些临时性展览。若有闲情,在此逛上几天亦不为过;如时间有限,亦可重点浏览艾尔德馆侧厅(Elder Wing)内陈列的殖民州(Colonial State)时期的收藏和澳洲联邦(Australia Federation)时代的景观。参观完毕,还可前往这里的顶级餐厅,享用一顿丰盛美餐,有趣的是,菜单的灵感很可能就取材于当前的主题展览。
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