
Treasure scattered in the Indian Ocean: (Abrolhos Islands) of the Abelohos Islands in Western Australia

[Free Tour]     09 May 2018
(Abrolhos Islands,) with the pride of Western Australia in its marine ecology, any kind of water sport here can be an addictive one-of-a-kind, "he said." the Abeloxus archipelago, an archipelago of the Abeloxus Islands, has a marine ecology that is proud of the state of Western Australia.

(Abrolhos Islands,) with the pride of Western Australia in its marine ecology, any kind of water sport here can be an addictive one-of-a-kind, "he said." the Abeloxus archipelago, an archipelago of the Abeloxus Islands, has a marine ecology that is proud of the state of Western Australia.

Treasure scattered in the Indian Ocean: (Abrolhos Islands) of the Abelohos Islands in Western Australia

Located on the north-central coast of Western Australia, about 70 kilometres west of Gerald (Geraldton), the islands of Abulohos, with a total area of more than 100 square kilometres, have spectacular craters. The unparalleled ecological environment here gives birth to a wealth of seafood and provides a unique fishing pleasure for fishing enthusiasts!

Treasure scattered in the Indian Ocean: (Abrolhos Islands) of the Abelohos Islands in Western Australia

Charter a ship and swim between the islands, the treasures scattered in the western Indian Ocean, especially Geralton, which cannot be missed. Whether it's fishing or snorkeling, or flying a small jet, you can see exciting views.

Treasure scattered in the Indian Ocean: (Abrolhos Islands) of the Abelohos Islands in Western Australia

The archipelago, more than 100km from north to south, has three major groups of islands, Wallabi,Easter Group and Pelsaert Group.. The warm and pleasant climate breeds a wide variety of tropical and temperate marine life, and you have a keen chance to discover more than 90 different species of birds and see lovely seals.

Treasure scattered in the Indian Ocean: (Abrolhos Islands) of the Abelohos Islands in Western Australia

You can also take part in sea fishing for three to five days, live on a boat and live like a sailor. 40 nautical miles from Geralton, the vast Indian Ocean and Coral Gardens await the challenge of diving and fishing enthusiasts. Twelve men, one ship, follow the Australian Sea Warrior to bravely advance.

Treasure scattered in the Indian Ocean: (Abrolhos Islands) of the Abelohos Islands in Western Australia
Treasure scattered in the Indian Ocean: (Abrolhos Islands) of the Abelohos Islands in Western Australia

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