
Australian Parenting: science Popularization for Infant vaccinations

[Medical]     23 Jul 2018
A growing number of Chinese immigrants in Australia, many babies born in Australia, parents do not know much about Australia's infant vaccine system. Australia's universal health care system is well developed, vaccination is free. All children under 7 years of age registered with Medicare are included in Australian Childhood Immunization Register (ACIR). Where the vaccine is available is the Immun...

A growing number of Chinese immigrants in Australia, many babies born in Australia, parents do not know much about Australia's infant vaccine system. Australia's universal health care system is well developed, vaccination is free. All children under 7 years of age registered with Medicare are included in Australian Childhood Immunization Register (ACIR). Where the vaccine is available is the Immunization Clinic,General Practices, Hospital, the local City Council,Aboriginal Community Controlled Healthy Service..

Australian Parenting: science Popularization for Infant vaccinations

The easiest way to build a baby's vaccine record is to go to the nearest General Practices,. Parents can go to and other websites to inquire about GP, near their home or Google directly to search for their business hours and contact information. Some GP do not provide vaccination services, so it is best to call in advance to confirm. If the baby has been vaccinated in the country before, it is best to bring translated records, and nurses will propose additional items based on them.

Most parents also choose to live in City Council., where they belong. But each City Council has a fixed vaccination schedule every month, preferably by phone or e-mail confirmation in advance.

It is important to note that the Australian and Chinese vaccine systems are slightly different, for example, the hepatitis B vaccine is a total of four doses, while in China there are only three. So when consulting health care workers, previous vaccine records are important, and be sure to ask in detail about the disease and when you should be vaccinated.

The following editor has sorted out Australia 0 to 4 years old infant vaccination schedule and Chinese and English contrast, the mother-to-be and the new mother all want to take a closer look!

Vaccination schedule for infants aged 0 to 4

Australian Parenting: science Popularization for Infant vaccinations

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