Wrights Creek

Wrights Creek, Queensland, 4869

  ranked 30 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Aggregate Data of Wrights Creek
State: Queensland
Postal code: 4869 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Bentley Park
Overall rating: 7.6, ranked 30 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Population: 275, ranked 38 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Measurement: 40.9981 km2 , ranked 7 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Population density: 6.71 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 13.6 km
Average level of education: 10.62 years , ranked 35 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Median yearly personal income: 31876 AUD , ranked 27 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Median weekly personal income: 613 AUD , ranked 27 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Median weekly family income: 1305 AUD , ranked 26 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Median weekly household income: 1089 AUD , ranked 26 in all 42 suburbs of Cairns
Wrights Creek suburbs nearby
Edmonton 4869
Gordonvale 4865
Bentley Park 4869
Mount Sheridan 4868
Bayview Heights 4868
East Trinity 4871
Woree 4868
Earlville 4870
Portsmith 4870
Updated: 2019-05-02 00:02:58