Stanwell Tops

Stanwell Tops, New South Wales, 2508

  ranked 9 in all 74 suburbs of Wollongong
Aggregate Data of Stanwell Tops
Postal code: 2508 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Darkes Forest
Stanwell Park
Overall rating: 8.8, ranked 9 in all 74 suburbs of Wollongong
Population: 471, ranked 62 in all 74 suburbs of Wollongong
Measurement: 1.2746 km2 , ranked 61 in all 74 suburbs of Wollongong
Population density: 369.53 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 24.8 km
Average level of education: 11.01 years , ranked 18 in all 74 suburbs of Wollongong
Median yearly personal income: 39416 AUD , ranked 6 in all 74 suburbs of Wollongong
Median weekly personal income: 758 AUD , ranked 6 in all 74 suburbs of Wollongong
Median weekly family income: 2191 AUD , ranked 9 in all 74 suburbs of Wollongong
Median weekly household income: 1904 AUD , ranked 4 in all 74 suburbs of Wollongong
Attraction near Stanwell Tops
Figure 8 Pools
Burning Palms Beach
Bald Hill
Bulli Lookout
Werrong Beach
Symbio Wildlife Park
Stanwell Tops suburbs nearby
Otford 2508
Coalcliff 2508
Scarborough 2515
Darkes Forest 2508
Coledale 2515
Austinmer 2515
Bulli 2516
Woonona 2517
Russell Vale 2517
Updated: 2019-06-02 12:41:41