
Dean, Victoria, 3363

  ranked 10 in all 66 suburbs of Ballarat
Aggregate Data of Dean
State: Victoria
Postal code: 3363 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Overall rating: 8.7, ranked 10 in all 66 suburbs of Ballarat
Population: 354, ranked 48 in all 66 suburbs of Ballarat
Measurement: 70.6861 km2 , ranked 10 in all 66 suburbs of Ballarat
Population density: 5.01 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 18 km
Average level of education: 10.93 years , ranked 21 in all 66 suburbs of Ballarat
Median yearly personal income: 28184 AUD , ranked 29 in all 66 suburbs of Ballarat
Median weekly personal income: 542 AUD , ranked 29 in all 66 suburbs of Ballarat
Median weekly family income: 1316 AUD , ranked 34 in all 66 suburbs of Ballarat
Median weekly household income: 1399 AUD , ranked 14 in all 66 suburbs of Ballarat
Attraction near Dean
Creswick Regional Park
Food & shopping near Dean
Creswick Woollen Mills
Dean suburbs nearby
Newlyn North 3364
Creswick 3363
Blampied 3364
Broomfield 3364
Allendale 3364
Invermay 3352
Bungaree 3352
Nerrina 3350
Brown Hill 3350
Updated: 2019-05-19 11:35:15