
Allendale, Victoria, 3364

  ranked 10 in all 66 suburbs of Ballarat
Aggregate Data of Allendale
State: Victoria
Postal code: 3364 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Newlyn North
Overall rating: 8.7, ranked 10 in all 66 suburbs of Ballarat
Population: 207, ranked 63 in all 66 suburbs of Ballarat
Measurement: 37.1499 km2 , ranked 24 in all 66 suburbs of Ballarat
Population density: 5.57 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 22.9 km
Average level of education: 10.75 years , ranked 34 in all 66 suburbs of Ballarat
Median yearly personal income: 34476 AUD , ranked 7 in all 66 suburbs of Ballarat
Median weekly personal income: 663 AUD , ranked 7 in all 66 suburbs of Ballarat
Median weekly family income: 1568 AUD , ranked 14 in all 66 suburbs of Ballarat
Median weekly household income: 1339 AUD , ranked 18 in all 66 suburbs of Ballarat
Allendale suburbs nearby
Broomfield 3364
Creswick 3363
Newlyn North 3364
Blampied 3364
Dean 3363
Invermay 3352
Eganstown 3461
Miners Rest 3352
Mount Rowan 3352
Updated: 2019-05-16 15:01:07