
Have you mastered the skills of buying the first suite in Australia?

[RealEstate]     22 May 2018
First to Australia, it's not a simple thing to prepare for the first home in the world. After all, buying a house is the biggest investment in life, and it will take a few years to plan and research. When you go through well-thought, and decide to act decisively, it suddenly turns out that the surrounding people have become a house-buying expert.

First to Australia, it's not a simple thing to prepare for the first home in the world. After all, buying a house is the biggest investment in life, and it will take a few years to plan and research. When you go through well-thought, and decide to act decisively, it suddenly turns out that the surrounding people have become a house-buying expert.

Then you'll know-you'll bite your teeth and grin and smile politely at those who give good advice; you'll go online and check your online resources, and you'll find that it's roughly the same thing to say online. At this point, it's hard to tell who to listen to and who to trust, so we asked veteran Lachlan Beaton.Lachlan Beaton to be an accountant, a stockmarket trader and an investor in a number of properties, and he shared his purchase books with us. Hopefully these tips will help you when you buy the first suite.

Have you mastered the skills of buying the first suite in Australia?

1. pour cold water for yourself

Buying a house that is beyond your financial affordability can make your life sad, so pour yourself cold water and be honest with yourself on what price you can afford. You may overestimate your purchasing power, so you are advised to reduce your estimate by 10%.

Find an online mortgage calculator online. The mortgage calculator will estimate the amount of money you need to pay back. In essence, interest rates will rise or fall sharply, so buying a home is easy to get into an over-loan situation. Make sure that even if the interest rate rises by 2% or 3%, it won't be a problem for you.

2. Understanding the actual situation

If you want to seize the opportunity to start a cost-effective property, you need to be able to identify what is good and which is unsatisfactory. To do this, you need to be clear about the real estate: take a look at all the information you can find on the Internet, and take a look at the sample room in the intended location. That way you'll probably know if the property you're buying is worth it. For example, you might realize that a three-bedroom townhouse is only a little more expensive than the two-bedroom house you originally wanted, and that in the long run it will bring more rental benefits.

3, walk around the house at night

Your field research on the house should also include a night visit to the community. Nothing is worse than to find out abroad that your neighborhood is not a good man. "I should have done some research before I got here. I don't have a sense of security to live here." It is a general exclamation that everyone will send out abroad.

When buying a house, you should also be careful to avoid such a situation. If the location does not feel right, then it is impossible to magically change the face within a week. Don't wait until you buy a house to find yourself living in a neighborhood prowling with passers-by or lawbreakers, and then you regret it-it's impossible for you to be quiet and peaceful, and to go out at night and worry about the safety of your way home.

4. Trust intuition.

Your intuition is absolutely trustworthy on this point. If you go to the spot where you dream and see what's wrong, you have to follow your instincts because they give you advice that no friend or expert can give you.

5. You don't like where you live, and other people may not like it either.

If you don't want to live in a house, go away and forget the house. Because if you buy that house, you'll probably rent it out to someone else at some point, and if you don't like living there, others probably won't like it either. Trying to rent a house will cost you a lot of time and money.

6. Jump out of your subjective opinion

Seeking advice from others is a good way to get objective advice. Other people's opinions are always valuable in investing in all your savings. Friends don't get personally involved in your favorite house as you do, they say what you need to hear. Be sure to consider your friends' suggestions, though they may upset you.

7. Hire a professional to see the house

If you watch enough on the current affairs show, you must have seen a report that someone had just bought a house and the house collapsed. Don't let this happen to you-hire a professional (such as a construction worker) to check the house and ask him to give honest and reliable advice.

8. I decided to go to see the house a few times before I bought it.

Don't take a look at the house just once and sign the contract for the house. This mood is understandable, but please calm down first. It's definitely good to go to the house a few times-you'll see something new every time you visit it, plus and minus. You can also hear from other potential buyers and agents, and you may be able to inadvertently hear useful information.

9. Consider traffic conditions

If you want to buy your house more quickly than others, you have to buy it near a public transport station. Check out your city's transport infrastructure development plan, buy it before it is planned, and pick up a bargain. If you want to sell your house or rent it in the future, proximity to the bus stop will increase your return on investment.

10. Learn to bargain

Buying a house at a lower price than your psychology is the quickest way to earn it. The deal is never going to blow up because you're tough. Look at the negotiation scene in the movie Mr. Sweet, and talk to the agent like a professional.

11. Don't go to the auction scene alone.

Find someone you trust to accompany you to the auction. People tend to get very excited at auctions, and if you like the house you're bidding for, you're likely to need your trusted relatives or friends to remind you not to overbid and make the right decision at a critical moment.

If you are an easy emotional bidder, you can actually ask someone else to take your place at the auction. Tell them what you can offer, and then go away. When you look at a lot of auctions, you'll find that some people are so committed to selling their houses that they have to pay a lot more than their psychological price. Thirty years of repayment is remorseful.

12. Legal instruments should not be underestimated

Leave all the paperwork to the professional lawyer who undertakes the transfer of property rights, and you will be much more relieved. Oh, my God, not too much paperwork! Professional lawyers do not charge a high fee, but their work is of great value. It is best to ask a lawyer to review the contract before you sign it. Usually, lawyers will remind you of things that you don't even know you need to pay attention to. Even so, you must look at the contract in person before signing to ensure that you are satisfied with the terms of the contract.

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