
Illegal withdrawal of terrorist nationality? Immigrant minister response

[Immigration News]     02 Jan 2019
ISIS organized jihadist Prakash. (photo by Sydney Morning Herald)Australia`s government has announced Australian citizenship for ISIS (IS) `s "jihadists" and "recruiters" of the deprive terrorist group, Prakash (Neil Prakash), but there are reports that Prakash does not hold dual citizenship and that government is suspected of violating the rules. Minister states that the decision on deprive natio...
Illegal withdrawal of terrorist nationality? Immigrant minister response

ISIS organized jihadist Prakash. (photo by Sydney Morning Herald)

Australia`s government has announced Australian citizenship for ISIS (IS) `s "jihadists" and "recruiters" of the deprive terrorist group, Prakash (Neil Prakash), but there are reports that Prakash does not hold dual citizenship and that government is suspected of violating the rules. Minister states that the decision on deprive nationality followed a reasonable law procedure.

Prakash faces terrorism charges and is serving a sentence in Turkey, Ausa news agency reported. Internal affairs minister Dutton (Peter Dutton) had previously revealed that government had informed Prakash that its Australian nationality had been cancelled because of its association with ISIS.

Prakash, 27, was born in Melbourne. Federal government has charged him with a number of terrorism felonies. Prakash was jailed in 2016 after attempting to forge documents into Turkey at the Syrian border, where he was held by arrest. His Australian passport was cancelled in 2014 and he entered a sanctions list in 2015. Federal government`s attempt to extradite him for trial was rejected by a Turkish court.

According to government, since Prakash`s father was Fijian, he had dual citizenship of Fiji and Australia. But the leader of Fiji`s Immigration Department said Prakash was not Fiji`s citizen, (Fiji Sun) reported January 1.

The government will not be able to implement this decision if the cancellation of an Australian nationality would render him stateless.

Today, immigrant minister Gao Min (David Coleman) said government was based on section 35 of the nationality Act, (Citizenship Act), which had previously implemented a similar decision for more than a dozen people. "We followed Australia`s law and the rules that apply to this individual," he told 2GB Radio. As a consequence, he lost his Australian nationality. "

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