
Tahon skilled migration trends, state occupation list 190 increased by 30, 489 increased by 32

[Immigration News]     17 Mar 2019
Following the Immigration Service, South Australia, ACT and Talla updated the list of states, and the new state confirmed that there would be no new career list changes until the new fiscal year!

Following the Immigration Service, South Australia, ACT and Talla updated the list of states, and the new state confirmed that there would be no new career list changes until the new fiscal year!

Tahon skilled migration trends, state occupation list 190 increased by 30, 489 increased by 32

Yesterday, South Australia, ACT and New York established a new list of state jobs, and today the state also has a list of states.

Up-to-date careers are now available in the Taju State system.

Tahon skilled migration trends, state occupation list 190 increased by 30, 489 increased by 32

List of occupations in Tazhou 190

A total of 427 occupations are eligible to apply for the list of occupations in Tasmania, in line with the list of Australian immigration occupations in the 190 list of occupations in Tasmania.

The previous lists for the M list and the S list are the M list and the S list. A complete list of occupations can be viewed here.

Tahon skilled migration trends, state occupation list 190 increased by 30, 489 increased by 32

The change in this occupation is the addition of 36 in the M table and the deletion of 27 occupations in the S table. In fact, according to our comparison, six of the S form were transferred to M form, so for those who apply for Tazhou 190, the list of Tazhou 190 states is actually increased by 30 and deleted by 21.

Tazhou 190 occupation list adds 30

Tahon skilled migration trends, state occupation list 190 increased by 30, 489 increased by 32

List of occupations in Tazhou 190 deleted 21

Tahon skilled migration trends, state occupation list 190 increased by 30, 489 increased by 32

List of 489 occupations in Tahon

A total of 504 jobs, can apply for Tazhou 489.

The previous lists are M list, S list and R list.

Tahon skilled migration trends, state occupation list 190 increased by 30, 489 increased by 32

Changes in the Australian Migration Board`s list of occupations: M increased by 36, S deleted by 27, and R increased by 18.

According to the comparison, Tazhou 489 occupation list changes are: 32 new occupations, delete 5 occupations.

The addition of 32 new occupations is as follows:

Tahon skilled migration trends, state occupation list 190 increased by 30, 489 increased by 32

The five occupations deleted are as follows:

Tahon skilled migration trends, state occupation list 190 increased by 30, 489 increased by 32

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