
Are children born in Australia or China? (mothers must know)

[Immigration News]     01 Nov 2018
AIMS one step to study abroad and emigrateSocial app reference number:

AIMS one step to study abroad and emigrate

Social app reference number: ONESTEPAIMS

Many Chinese are grappling with whether their children were born in Australia or in China.

This article is about the influence of birth in Australia or other countries on the final nationality of science popularization!

Are children born in Australia or China? (mothers must know)

First, it must be made clear that unlike the United States, which determines nationality on the basis of "geography" and Australia on the basis of "consanguinity", as in China. This means that what nationality a child takes is closely related to the identity of his or her parents.

Australian nationality = Australian passport

PR = no change of nationality, permanent right of abode.

Under the Australian nationality Act, after January 26, 1949, a spouse with an Australian nationality and a child born outside Australia (such as China) can apply directly for Australia's citizen. All you have to do is fill in form 118 and submit it to the Immigration Service.

Are children born in Australia or China? (mothers must know)

Are children born in Australia or China? (mothers must know)

A child born abroad is not allowed to be naturalized directly if the husband and wife have only one or both PR. For example, a child born in China is the citizen of China. If you want to bring your child back to Australia for permanent residence, you need to apply for a permanent visa for children outside Australia. The child must be outside the country at the time of the signing, with an official hearing time of 11 to 19 months.

Are children born in Australia or China? (mothers must know)
Are children born in Australia or China? (mothers must know)
Are children born in Australia or China? (mothers must know)
Are children born in Australia or China? (mothers must know)

Child Immigration Visa: children under the age of 18 can be directly required by guarantee, 18 to 25 years of age, unmarried, unemployed and have been studying full-time, financially dependent on their parents or disabled.

At the time of application, if either of the spouses has Australian citizenship, the child applies for Australian PR rather than Australian citizenship.

(10 to 15 months of official hearing)

Are children born in Australia or China? (mothers must know)
Are children born in Australia or China? (mothers must know)
Are children born in Australia or China? (mothers must know)

Couples with at least one PR/Citizen, child born in Australia can automatically acquire Australian citizenship.

Are children born in Australia or China? (mothers must know)

Are children born in Australia or China? (mothers must know)

It is said online that children were born in Australia and spent most of their lives in Australia before they reached the age of 10. Can acquire Australian nationality, children become citizen Australia, guarantee parents can emigrate to Australia.

Are children born in Australia or China? (mothers must know)

Well, it does exist on the immigration website! But.

Are children born in Australia or China? (mothers must know)

It presupposes that during this decade, children must have a legal visa in Australia and remain in Australia until the age of 10 before applying for Australian citizenship.

In 2006, two little girls were born in Australia because their parents did not have a legal visa in Australia, so the girls filed a complaint against themselves in order to acquire Australian citizenship and was eventually defeated by the Supreme Court. In the end, they can only choose to apply for the original FIJI nationality of their parents. (image below from NATIONAL News Australia)

Are children born in Australia or China? (mothers must know)

Reason: since the girls' parents do not have a legal visa in Australia, we are commonly known as "black" in Australia! The child's visa is followed by his or her parents, so they do not have a legal visa during this period. If they are found to be in need of deportation, they will not be able to acquire Australian nationality even at the age of ten.)

(tip: Australia's immigration law is very complex, a lot of online claims are one-sided, so please find a local Australian licensed intermediary consultation, thank you!)

Are children born in Australia or China? (mothers must know)

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