
Australian car rental guide, select car rental company, car rental process, car rental price, rental car self-driving all the information needed

[Free Tour]     23 Jun 2019
Whether you come to Australia to live or travel, if you already have a Chinese driver`s license, it is easy and necessary to drive here. Especially`s friends who travel to Australia, in addition to feeling the way of life in the city, spend more time on the road to explore the vast natural scenery of Australia. After completing the translation of the driver`s license and starting the trip to Austr...

Whether you come to Australia to live or travel, if you already have a Chinese driver`s license, it is easy and necessary to drive here. Especially`s friends who travel to Australia, in addition to feeling the way of life in the city, spend more time on the road to explore the vast natural scenery of Australia. After completing the translation of the driver`s license and starting the trip to Australia, everyone will choose to rent a car. On the one hand, self-driving trips can move freely and flexibly, and they do not have to be restrained by the itinerary of tour groups. On the other hand, economic is affordable because taxis / chartered cars in Australia are too expensive.

So how do you choose a car rental company? What information do you need to rent a car? How much does it cost to rent a car? What is the process of renting a car? How can I buy car rental insurance? Let`s give you an answer one by one:

Australian car rental guide, select car rental company, car rental process, car rental price, rental car self-driving all the information needed

There are five big car rental companies in Australia: AVIS,HERTZ,EUROPCAR,BUDGET, THRIFTY, you can even find rental sites at the airport after you get off the plane. Of course, you can also make an appointment on the rental website before you travel.

Australian car rental guide, select car rental company, car rental process, car rental price, rental car self-driving all the information needed
Australian car rental guide, select car rental company, car rental process, car rental price, rental car self-driving all the information needed


World-renowned car rental companies can see their counters at many airports. The price of a variety of models is basically the cheapest, and there is no limit on the number of miles. And renting a car in Australia can enjoy some of their discounts.

Australian car rental guide, select car rental company, car rental process, car rental price, rental car self-driving all the information needed
Australian car rental guide, select car rental company, car rental process, car rental price, rental car self-driving all the information needed


Many tourist friends are familiar with the company, an American company with more than 8500 car rental sites in 146countries, second only to Avis in Australia.

You can get a good discount on renting a car in the off-season.

Australian car rental guide, select car rental company, car rental process, car rental price, rental car self-driving all the information needed

If it wasn`t for the peak season, dozens of dollars would be rented for a day, which is too much better than a taxi.

Australian car rental guide, select car rental company, car rental process, car rental price, rental car self-driving all the information needed


This is a French car rental company, which has many car rental points in Asia and Oceania, but the price is slightly higher than the Avis and Hertz above.

Australian car rental guide, select car rental company, car rental process, car rental price, rental car self-driving all the information needed


An American car rental company costs more than Avis and Hertz, rental points and not as much as they do.

Australian car rental guide, select car rental company, car rental process, car rental price, rental car self-driving all the information needed


Australian car rental companies are almost the same price as Avis and Hertz, and the procedures are very simple.

Australian car rental guide, select car rental company, car rental process, car rental price, rental car self-driving all the information needed

All car rental companies in Australia can book directly online, then go to collect the car at the time, do not need to be determined by telephone. You can choose the car rental company according to their convenient rental point/model/price.

Australian car rental guide, select car rental company, car rental process, car rental price, rental car self-driving all the information needed

The information required to rent a car is as follows:

1. Driver`s passport or Australian photo ID

2. Driver`s Australian license, international license or Chinese license(English translation is required).

3. Driver`s international credit card (visa/master, etc.)

Australian car rental guide, select car rental company, car rental process, car rental price, rental car self-driving all the information needed

The above materials must be car rental and driver`s own ID and credit card, the name should be the same.

The whole car rental process is like this: if you book online in advance, go to the rental counter, show the reservation order, passport, driver`s license and translation, international credit card, you can get the key to take the car away. Fill up the fuel before the return time and return the key to the rental point. Also can also go directly to the rental point to select the model, provide certificates, drive the car away.

Australian car rental guide, select car rental company, car rental process, car rental price, rental car self-driving all the information needed

The cost of renting a car includes the following:

  • GST- goods and Services tax
  • Vehicle Registration Fees- vehicle registration fee
  • Basic insurance-basic insurance
  • Unlimited kilometers unless otherwise stated- unlimited mileage (unless otherwise marked)
  • Vehicle Recovery Fees- vehicle recovery fee
  • Airport Tax (when picking up at an airport of course)-Airport tax (if airport lift)
  • One way fees (when applicable)-one-way fee

Excluding costs are: (in addition to the age limit, whether or not the following purchases depend on the individual)

  • GPS
  • child seat
  • Additional fees are required to be paid under the age of 25 years (21 times 24 years old)
  • Supplementary insurance, each insurance company provides different types of insurance for customers to choose from

Car rental companies require the driver`s international credit card, the credit line of which should be sufficient to cover all your car rental charges (a certain amount of money in the credit card will be frozen as a guarantee deposit). When returning the car to settle the settlement, the fee can be deducted directly from the credit card. The deposit will be frozen to the rental company to make sure that all fees have been settled, such as you do not have to pay a ticket for the use of the car.

Australian car rental guide, select car rental company, car rental process, car rental price, rental car self-driving all the information needed

Do you need insurance when renting a car? We use Hertz as an example. Hertz covers the basic third party liability, vehicle damage and theft. In addition, you can choose to take out the following insurance:

  • Reduce minimum liability insurance (after AER-Accident Excess Reduction): buys the insurance, the charterer will only have to bear the minimum liability of 700 Australian dollars
  • Comprehensive protection scheme (MAX-Maximum Cover): purchase of comprehensive protection scheme, tenants will normally no longer bear any liability (other than any loss and loss of vehicles caused by negligence driving, any loss of special equipment and loss of vehicle keys as a result of erroneous fuel addition)
  • Personal accident insurance (PAI-Personal Accident Insurance):) provides certain compensation for personal accident casualties during car rental. The coverage generally covers drivers and passengers in the vehicle.
  • Personal property insurance (PEC-Personal Effect Coverage):) provides certain compensation for luggage and personal belongings (excluding cash, etc.) lost or lost during car rental, and needs to report to the police after the incident.
Australian car rental guide, select car rental company, car rental process, car rental price, rental car self-driving all the information needed

In general, as long as you have the basic materials for renting a car, be familiar with Australian driving traffic rules / considerations in advance, plus a GPS, you can start a trip to Australia!

Australian car rental guide, select car rental company, car rental process, car rental price, rental car self-driving all the information needed

From: Australian kangaroo Chinese Automobile Network (

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