
Temporary growth is expected to exceed the permanent residence quota reduction, called for preferential treatment

[Immigration News]     10 Apr 2019
This year`s emigration is expected to increase Australia`s population by two hundred and seventy one thousand seven hundred people. (SBS pictures)
Temporary growth is expected to exceed the permanent residence quota reduction, called for preferential treatment

This year`s emigration is expected to increase Australia`s population by two hundred and seventy one thousand seven hundred people. (SBS pictures)

According to the SBS, government predicts that the number of temporary immigrants will increase more than the new permanent immigration cuts proposed in Prime Minister Mosuisse (Scott Morrison) `s "stop-and-stop" policy.

While Australia plans to cut its 30, 000-year permanent immigration quota, last week`s federal budget said the growth in foreign students and temporary visa holders was enough to make up for it.

Even taking into account reductions in permanent immigration, the government predicted that immigration abroad would increase Australia`s population by two hundred and seventy one thousand seven hundred this year, 40, 000 more than expected in the previous fiscal year`s budget.

In an interview with SBS, Rizway said: "if you follow government`s proposal, there will be a huge difference over a 10-year span-a difference of four hundred thousand people."

Demographers see net immigration as the most accurate measure of population growth, because the data is based on the combined number of permanent immigrants and temporary visa holders for 12 months of residence in Australia in the past 16 months, minus the number of departures.

Demographer Alan (Liz Allen) said the increase in net immigration reflected a significant increase in temporary visa holders, including international students, bridge visa holders (Bridging Visa) and temporary skilled workers.

This confirms concerns that Australia is struggling to meet the reciprocal needs of skilled migrants. Government seems content to create a `temporary citizen` group, asking for it and not paying it back. "

"terrible hell game."

Allen also noted that cuts in permanent immigration would result in more people holding bridge visas and opening a "terrible game of hell," in which immigrants would be treated as economic assets, not as people.

After this year`s budget announcement, Treasury Secretary Fredenberg (Josh Frydenberg), while acknowledging the importance of immigration in promoting economic activities, said Australia`s health, education and transport facilities were now unable to cope.

"our [population] growth is much faster than originally expected, and I think it is fair to say that neither party, the government, has been able to properly plan for such a demographic change," Fredenberg said today.

Government has pledged A $100 million over the next 10 years to implement an infrastructure package to address population growth and to fund a new population centre designed to improve planning.

Allen said the population growth driven by emigration was intrinsically linked to economic growth, and "Sydney, Melbourne, as a successful city, will continue to attract more people." With waiting lists full for multiple categories of permanent visa applications, temporary immigrants should be better treated.

But the problem is that temporary immigrants who contribute to society seem to have suffered a loss in the deal when they made economic to the country. We see immigrants as a resource at our disposal to promote the prosperity of social economic and believe that they should never be rewarded in any way. "

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