
Australia's 9 most stunning minority islands, while there is no fire to hide!

[Free Tour]     26 May 2018
How many surprises are there for us in this continent of Australia?In addition to interesting animals, spectacular inland landscapes, and surviving independent small islands, they are isolated, but innumerable.

How many surprises are there for us in this continent of Australia?

In addition to interesting animals, spectacular inland landscapes, and surviving independent small islands, they are isolated, but innumerable.

Count Australia's nine beasts of the sea, and must go with your lover once in your life.

Australia's 9 most stunning minority islands, while there is no fire to hide!

MACKEREL ISLANDS mackerel island-WA

The Pilbara region of Western Australia is often considered one of the most remote areas in Australia, and it takes a boat to reach the "best isolated land", mackerel island, after arriving at Pilbara. Mackerel Island is about 20 minutes away from Ancelo (Onslow), a total of 10 islands, 2 of which provide accommodation for tourists.

Australia's 9 most stunning minority islands, while there is no fire to hide!

One of the islands, known as "directional Island" (Direction Island), has a beach hut where people can rent the entire island, while the other offers accommodation on the island, "Tavernard Island" (Thevenard Island), with a number of coastal huts.

On both islands, visitors can dive, watch sea turtles and whales, kayak, surf, play beach cricket and watch stars.

Australia's 9 most stunning minority islands, while there is no fire to hide!

Keswick Island Kasik Island-Queensland

The best-known resort islands in (Whitsundays), Queensland, are (Hamilton Island) Hamilton and (Hayman Island), Heiman, and Keisk is the secret jewel of the resort.

Keisker Island is one of the Keynes Great Barrier Reef's diving and snorkeling bases, and whales can be seen from July to September. More than 30 species of local birds and bees, honey is also a worthy purchase specialty, if you love outdoor travel, this is a must-miss niche attractions.

Australia's 9 most stunning minority islands, while there is no fire to hide!

Troubridge Island Trumbridge Island-South Australia

Trumbridge Island in South Australia, known as a "dreamland", is the ultimate refuge from the sea across the sea from the famous York Peninsula of (Yorke Peninsula). People can stay away from the city and live in lighthouse caretakers' huts dating back to the 1850s, bordering little penguins, black-faced cormorants and Phoenix-headed terns.

Australia's 9 most stunning minority islands, while there is no fire to hide!

Bare Sand Island bare Sand Island-Northern Territory

The name of the bare sand island is too low-key, and at first it will be thought to be a desolate beach, but in fact, the island is also a nesting site for flat-backed and olive tortoises, in addition to the beach. It is a rare experience to observe the spawning of turtles and the scrambling of small turtles out of their shells to the sea, as if they were on the scene of the World of Animals.

Australia's 9 most stunning minority islands, while there is no fire to hide!

French Island of France-Victoria

On TripAdvisor, a netizen once commented: "the island of France is so special that it's a bit of an attempt to keep this place secret."

French Island, the largest coastal island in Victoria, can be reached by ferry, with only 100 inhabitants. The French island is known as a "peaceful and peaceful paradise," and the National Forest Park covers most of the island, with jungle, secluded beaches, birds and flowers. In addition, the island is also the largest koala habitat in the state of Victoria. Often as soon as you look up, you can happen to meet the charmingly naive little koala.

Australia's 9 most stunning minority islands, while there is no fire to hide!

Broughton Island Braun Island-New State

The spectacular scenery of Broughton Island in New State is a good day's destination, and if visitors have time to stay, there are five campsites on Broughton Island, the only active seabirds habitat in the new state that can camp.

Australia's 9 most stunning minority islands, while there is no fire to hide!

Quoin Island Kuin Island-Kunzhou

Kunzhou Coine Island is not far from Heron Island, but not very famous, is the secret that locals are not humanitarianism. Kuin, which is just five kilometers off the coast of Gladstone, is described by tourists as "an unspoiled haven for wildlife and nature lovers, as well as for those who are looking for secluded places to relax".

Australia's 9 most stunning minority islands, while there is no fire to hide!

Fraser Island-Victoria

Fraser Island, 30 hectares in the eastern tip of Lake Gippsland Lake, Victoria, offers "royal enjoyment" to visitors. Fraser Island Resort has 11 rooms for up to 38 people. Visitors can also choose to live in cabins, resort with 9 golf courses, tennis courts, amazing scenery.

Don't mistake it with the island of Kunzhou with the same name.

Australia's 9 most stunning minority islands, while there is no fire to hide!

Three Hummock Island Sanqiu Island-Tahon

Sanqiu, which claims to be "one of the purest places on earth", is a strong candidate for the most beautiful island in Talla, though not well-known.

There are no shops, restaurants or bars on the island, but clear water, white beaches, inland lakes and pristine forests.

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