
Whittington, Victoria, 3219

  ranked 54 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Aggregate Data of Whittington
State: Victoria
Postal code: 3219 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
East Geelong
St Albans Park
Overall rating: 6.2, ranked 54 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Population: 4155, ranked 19 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Measurement: 1.8287 km2 , ranked 53 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Population density: 2272.11 person/km2
Average level of education: 10.27 years , ranked 60 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Median yearly personal income: 20644 AUD , ranked 58 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Median weekly personal income: 397 AUD , ranked 58 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Median weekly family income: 922 AUD , ranked 59 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Median weekly household income: 750 AUD , ranked 60 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Attraction near Whittington
Geelong Botanic Gardens
Updated: 2019-06-13 09:33:00