Ocean Grove

Ocean Grove, Victoria, 3226

  ranked 2 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Aggregate Data of Ocean Grove
State: Victoria
Postal code: 3226
Overall rating: 9.1, ranked 2 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Population: 12555, ranked 6 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Measurement: 12.1179 km2 , ranked 32 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Population density: 1036.07 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 17.5 km
Average level of education: 11.1 years , ranked 23 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Median yearly personal income: 30472 AUD , ranked 27 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Median weekly personal income: 586 AUD , ranked 27 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Median weekly family income: 1477 AUD , ranked 33 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Median weekly household income: 1197 AUD , ranked 38 in all 61 suburbs of Geelong
Ocean Grove suburbs nearby
Barwon Heads 3227
Marcus Hill 3222
Connewarre 3227
Mannerim 3222
Leopold 3224
Point Lonsdale 3225
Curlewis 3222
Moolap 3221
Drysdale 3222
Updated: 2019-04-27 16:22:42