
Whitemore, Tasmania, 7303

  ranked 28 in all 56 suburbs of Launceston
Aggregate Data of Whitemore
State: Tasmania
Postal code: 7303 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Overall rating: 7.2, ranked 28 in all 56 suburbs of Launceston
Population: 236, ranked 54 in all 56 suburbs of Launceston
Measurement: 93.4579 km2 , ranked 10 in all 56 suburbs of Launceston
Population density: 2.53 person/km2
Average level of education: 10.52 years , ranked 37 in all 56 suburbs of Launceston
Median yearly personal income: 25740 AUD , ranked 34 in all 56 suburbs of Launceston
Median weekly personal income: 495 AUD , ranked 34 in all 56 suburbs of Launceston
Median weekly family income: 1261 AUD , ranked 29 in all 56 suburbs of Launceston
Median weekly household income: 1199 AUD , ranked 15 in all 56 suburbs of Launceston
Attraction near Whitemore
Pearns Steam World
Updated: 2019-06-07 15:00:34