South Brisbane

South Brisbane, Queensland, 4101

  ranked 51 in all 256 suburbs of Brisbane
Aggregate Data of South Brisbane
State: Queensland
Postal code: 4101 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Highgate Hill
West End
Overall rating: 9.0, ranked 51 in all 256 suburbs of Brisbane
Population: 5417, ranked 122 in all 256 suburbs of Brisbane
Measurement: 1.9819 km2 , ranked 213 in all 256 suburbs of Brisbane
Population density: 2733.24 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 1.1 km
Average level of education: 11.54 years , ranked 21 in all 256 suburbs of Brisbane
Median yearly personal income: 34580 AUD , ranked 146 in all 256 suburbs of Brisbane
Median weekly personal income: 665 AUD , ranked 146 in all 256 suburbs of Brisbane
Median weekly family income: 2026 AUD , ranked 83 in all 256 suburbs of Brisbane
Median weekly household income: 1588 AUD , ranked 112 in all 256 suburbs of Brisbane
Attraction near South Brisbane
Brisbane South Bank Parkland
Queensland Museum & Sciencentre
Queensland Art Gallery
Streets Beach
Gallery of Modern Art
The Wheel Of Brisbane
Queensland Maritime Museum
State Library of Queensland
West End
Goodwill Bridge
Griffith University Art Gallery
Kurilpa Bridge
South Brisbane War Memorial Park
South Brisbane suburbs nearby
West End 4101
Highgate Hill 4101
Milton 4064
Woolloongabba 4102
Kangaroo Point 4169
Spring Hill 4000
Dutton Park 4102
Paddington 4064
Auchenflower 4066
Updated: 2019-05-04 00:39:54