
Kirribilli, New South Wales, 2061

  ranked 42 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Aggregate Data of Kirribilli
Postal code: 2061 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Milsons Point
Overall rating: 9.2, ranked 42 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Population: 3667, ranked 348 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Measurement: 0.4759 km2 , ranked 558 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Population density: 7705.4 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 2.3 km
Average level of education: 11.65 years , ranked 40 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Median yearly personal income: 65884 AUD , ranked 11 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Median weekly personal income: 1267 AUD , ranked 11 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Median weekly family income: 2905 AUD , ranked 14 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Median weekly household income: 1976 AUD , ranked 152 in all 604 suburbs of Sydney
Attraction near Kirribilli
Luna Park Sydney
North Sydney Olympic Pool
Wendy's Secret Garden
Food & shopping near Kirribilli
Aqua Dining
Kirribilli Markets
The Deck Sydney
Kirribilli suburbs nearby
Milsons Point 2061
Lavender Bay 2060
Dawes Point 2000
McMahons Point 2060
Cremorne Point 2090
North Sydney 2060
North Sydney 2055
Neutral Bay 2089
Millers Point 2000
Updated: 2019-05-01 00:19:04