Kilsyth South

Kilsyth South, Victoria, 3137

  ranked 291 in all 393 suburbs of Melbourne
Aggregate Data of Kilsyth South
State: Victoria
Postal code: 3137 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Overall rating: 8.6, ranked 291 in all 393 suburbs of Melbourne
Population: 3053, ranked 286 in all 393 suburbs of Melbourne
Measurement: 3.3531 km2 , ranked 276 in all 393 suburbs of Melbourne
Population density: 910.5 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 30.7 km
Average level of education: 11.01 years , ranked 231 in all 393 suburbs of Melbourne
Median yearly personal income: 33436 AUD , ranked 164 in all 393 suburbs of Melbourne
Median weekly personal income: 643 AUD , ranked 164 in all 393 suburbs of Melbourne
Median weekly family income: 1796 AUD , ranked 144 in all 393 suburbs of Melbourne
Median weekly household income: 1701 AUD , ranked 84 in all 393 suburbs of Melbourne
Kilsyth South suburbs nearby
Bayswater North 3153
Kilsyth 3137
The Basin 3154
Montrose 3765
Croydon South 3136
Bayswater 3153
Boronia 3155
Mount Dandenong 3767
Croydon 3136
Updated: 2019-06-29 21:00:50