Keilor Park

Keilor Park, Victoria, 3042

  ranked 360 in all 393 suburbs of Melbourne
Aggregate Data of Keilor Park
State: Victoria
Postal code: 3042 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Airport West
Overall rating: 6.6, ranked 360 in all 393 suburbs of Melbourne
Population: 2540, ranked 296 in all 393 suburbs of Melbourne
Measurement: 3.0952 km2 , ranked 287 in all 393 suburbs of Melbourne
Population density: 820.63 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 14.4 km
Average level of education: 10.37 years , ranked 362 in all 393 suburbs of Melbourne
Median yearly personal income: 24284 AUD , ranked 334 in all 393 suburbs of Melbourne
Median weekly personal income: 467 AUD , ranked 334 in all 393 suburbs of Melbourne
Median weekly family income: 1208 AUD , ranked 345 in all 393 suburbs of Melbourne
Median weekly household income: 1088 AUD , ranked 336 in all 393 suburbs of Melbourne
Keilor Park suburbs nearby
Keilor 3036
Airport West 3042
Keilor East 3033
Tullamarine 3043
Kealba 3021
Melbourne Airport 3045
Strathmore Heights 3041
Sunshine North 3020
Niddrie 3042
Updated: 2019-05-21 09:03:13