
Grindelwald, Tasmania, 7277

  ranked 54 in all 56 suburbs of Launceston
Aggregate Data of Grindelwald
State: Tasmania
Postal code: 7277 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Overall rating: 6.1, ranked 54 in all 56 suburbs of Launceston
Population: 828, ranked 28 in all 56 suburbs of Launceston
Measurement: 5.917 km2 , ranked 35 in all 56 suburbs of Launceston
Population density: 139.94 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 15.2 km
Average level of education: 10.9 years , ranked 7 in all 56 suburbs of Launceston
Median yearly personal income: 27768 AUD , ranked 25 in all 56 suburbs of Launceston
Median weekly personal income: 534 AUD , ranked 25 in all 56 suburbs of Launceston
Median weekly family income: 1416 AUD , ranked 18 in all 56 suburbs of Launceston
Median weekly household income: 1194 AUD , ranked 16 in all 56 suburbs of Launceston
Attraction near Grindelwald
Grindelwald suburbs nearby
Rosevears 7277
Legana 7277
Lanena 7275
Bridgenorth 7277
Dilston 7252
Blackwall 7275
Swan Bay 7252
Exeter 7275
Gravelly Beach 7276
Updated: 2019-05-25 18:11:38