
Grantham, Queensland, 4347

  ranked 42 in all 56 suburbs of Toowoomba
Aggregate Data of Grantham
State: Queensland
Postal code: 4347 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Ma Ma Creek
Mount Whitestone
Overall rating: 6.3, ranked 42 in all 56 suburbs of Toowoomba
Population: 495, ranked 39 in all 56 suburbs of Toowoomba
Measurement: 66.9456 km2 , ranked 7 in all 56 suburbs of Toowoomba
Population density: 7.39 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 26.4 km
Average level of education: 10.37 years , ranked 51 in all 56 suburbs of Toowoomba
Median yearly personal income: 24024 AUD , ranked 52 in all 56 suburbs of Toowoomba
Median weekly personal income: 462 AUD , ranked 52 in all 56 suburbs of Toowoomba
Median weekly family income: 1031 AUD , ranked 52 in all 56 suburbs of Toowoomba
Median weekly household income: 1097 AUD , ranked 41 in all 56 suburbs of Toowoomba
Grantham suburbs nearby
Helidon 4344
Mount Whitestone 4347
Helidon Spa 4344
Ma Ma Creek 4347
Postmans Ridge 4352
Blanchview 4352
Murphys Creek 4352
Prince Henry Heights 4350
Rangeville 4350
Updated: 2019-06-16 05:17:40