Blue Mountain Heights

Blue Mountain Heights, Queensland, 4350

  ranked 1 in all 56 suburbs of Toowoomba
Aggregate Data of Blue Mountain Heights
State: Queensland
Overall rating: 8.9, ranked 1 in all 56 suburbs of Toowoomba
Population: 818, ranked 31 in all 56 suburbs of Toowoomba
Measurement: 3.8446 km2 , ranked 45 in all 56 suburbs of Toowoomba
Population density: 212.77 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 6.8 km
Average level of education: 11.29 years , ranked 3 in all 56 suburbs of Toowoomba
Median yearly personal income: 38064 AUD , ranked 3 in all 56 suburbs of Toowoomba
Median weekly personal income: 732 AUD , ranked 3 in all 56 suburbs of Toowoomba
Median weekly family income: 1913 AUD , ranked 3 in all 56 suburbs of Toowoomba
Median weekly household income: 1765 AUD , ranked 6 in all 56 suburbs of Toowoomba
Attraction near Blue Mountain Heights
Picnic Point
Transport and Main Roads Heritage Centre
Queens Park Gardens
Cobb+Co Museum
Laurel Bank Park
Blue Mountain Heights suburbs nearby
Mount Kynoch 4350
Cranley 4350
Harlaxton 4350
Highfields 4352
Rockville 4350
North Toowoomba 4350
Mount Lofty 4350
Gowrie Junction 4352
Cotswold Hills 4350
Updated: 2019-05-12 00:33:19