Cameron Park

Cameron Park, New South Wales, 2285

  ranked 44 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Aggregate Data of Cameron Park
Postal code: 2285 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Cardiff Heights
Cardiff South
Macquarie Hills
Overall rating: 8.2, ranked 44 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Population: 5165, ranked 21 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Measurement: 7.4704 km2 , ranked 34 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Population density: 691.4 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 16.3 km
Average level of education: 10.68 years , ranked 62 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Median yearly personal income: 37180 AUD , ranked 13 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Median weekly personal income: 715 AUD , ranked 13 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Median weekly family income: 1909 AUD , ranked 21 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Median weekly household income: 1875 AUD , ranked 8 in all 155 suburbs of Newcastle
Cameron Park suburbs nearby
Edgeworth 2285
Minmi 2287
Seahampton 2286
Barnsley 2278
Argenton 2284
Holmesville 2286
Glendale 2285
Killingworth 2278
Boolaroo 2284
Updated: 2019-06-14 04:19:02