
Australian drug dealers successfully escaped from prison on Christmas Eve, the police fought hard to hunt down

[Social News]     25 Dec 2018
Jailbreak prisoner Wallace (photo by Australian news website)Local police will spend Christmas in search of a drug dealer in central Virginia prison yesterday evening.
Australian drug dealers successfully escaped from prison on Christmas Eve, the police fought hard to hunt down

Jailbreak prisoner Wallace (photo by Australian news website)

Local police will spend Christmas in search of a drug dealer in central Virginia prison yesterday evening.

Wallace (Dennis Wallace), a 38-year-old (Dhurringile Prison) prisoner at Duringers Prison in Central Victoria, escaped at about 06:45 yesterday evening, Australian News reported.

Duringer Prison is a low-security prison located 160 km north of Melbourne.

Jailescape prisoner Wallace was convicted of drug trafficking on Dec. 6 and sentenced to 12 months.

Police have released photos of Wallace, appealing for clues.

A spokesman for the state police said Wallace was wearing green shorts and a shirt when he last appeared, and the police thought he might go to (Seymour)., West Moore.

If people find Wallace whereabouts, do not come near, should immediately call the police.

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