
Guide to the preparation of work materials for the Australian visa phase

[Migration Knowledge]     08 Jan 2017
1. What work materials are required during the visa application phase in Australia? General description: the work-related materials of the visa stage must certainly be a letter of recommendation and a resume, but if the applicant can provide contracts, payroll, individual taxes, social security, these materials are conducive to the speed of visa processing.

1. What work materials are required during the visa application phase in Australia?

General description: the work-related materials of the visa stage must certainly be a letter of recommendation and a resume, but if the applicant can provide contracts, payroll, individual taxes, social security, these materials are conducive to the speed of visa processing.

2. What should we pay attention to when the contract is submitted?

According to the current work experience bonus criteria, if the applicant can provide all additional years of work contract, as far as possible.

However, since not every job contract has the same position as the nominating profession in the application, whether or not the application can be submitted will also determine whether or not it affects the consistency and integrity of the application material.

The details of the contract include the name of the company (especially the Chinese and English names shown on the seal), the time when the contract starts and ends, position, salary, hours of work; Because these information will be reflected in the pre-career assessment stage, pay attention to consistency.

If the positions reflected in the contract are different from those in the letter of recommendation, it is important to note that the general positions, such as technical posts, engineers, consultants, managers, etc., are generally not affected by the submission of the contract.

If the contract is lost, it may not be provided, and other materials may be provided to support the proof, such as a tax, etc. But try to provide contracts for the current job.

3. What do you need to pay attention to when you submit your payroll?

Paychecks can be paper or electronic, such as payroll e-mails sent by the company's financial staff, or payroll records in the company's employee system. If the payroll is electronic, you can send a screenshot of the electronic version to the customer responsible person.

Each job payroll, if available from January to December each year, can be provided together. If the payroll reservation is not very complete, you can choose to offer the month.

If the salary reflected in the payroll and the salary reflected in the recommendation letter are not consistent, see if there is any income such as a bonus going directly into the wage card, if so, you can print out the bank statement of the payroll. As an auxiliary proof of the payroll. If other income is distributed directly through cash, see if it is convenient for the company to issue a sealed income certificate (not required) as a supplementary material to the payroll. If none of the above works, update the letter of recommendation, and include other types of bonus benefits in the reference to salary.

For older jobs, if the payroll is not retained and the pay card is cancelled, it may not be provided, and the general immigration service will not require the payment of a long-ago salary sheet.

4. What do you need to pay attention to when you submit a tax?

The applicant may apply to the local tax authority to issue a Certificate of individual income tax payment with the original identity card. The template is as follows:

If, for financial reasons, the individual tax does not correspond to the tax that should be generated from the actual income, or if the individual tax is set at zero, the certificate of the individual tax can also be issued.

Individual tax generally provides nearly 3-4 years can be, if can open more then more, generally at least provide nearly 1-2 years of individual tax certificate

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5. What should be paid attention to in the submission of social security?

Social security certificates generally go to municipal or district level social security fund management centers to open, or some cities will send individual annual social security contribution statement, there are the following templates:

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