
How livable is Melbourne? Six recent shoot cases in which 8 people were killed and gunman remains at large

[Social News]     30 Apr 2019
The recent surge in Melbourne has seen six shoot cases since March 1, including eight victims.Only three gunman have been arrested, the rest of the police have yet to solve the case, and some are looking to the public for clues.

The recent surge in Melbourne has seen six shoot cases since March 1, including eight victims.

Only three gunman have been arrested, the rest of the police have yet to solve the case, and some are looking to the public for clues.

How livable is Melbourne? Six recent shoot cases in which 8 people were killed and gunman remains at large

The six shoot cases are:

: March 1: in Caigieburn district, a 30-year-old father was shot dead and two others were shot and wounded. They were outside a boxing match in Kensington. Two murderers have was acciused.

: March 3: a 50-year-old man was killed when a car crashed into a wire pole, but police officers found that he had gunshot wounds before he was examined, which should be the main cause of his death. And the police don`t have anyone in arrest yet.

: 4 March: two men, 28 and 40 years old, by shoot in Meadow Heights. A 23-year-old man was arrested.

: March 10: a man was shot dead by a 19-year-old in Springvale.

: April 14: 37-year-old security guard and 28-year-old guest were killed in front of the Love Machine nightclub by shoot. So far no one has been arrest.

: 26 April: a 41-year-old Carnegie man was found dead in Fawkner Park., South Yarra So far no one has been arrest.

How livable is Melbourne? Six recent shoot cases in which 8 people were killed and gunman remains at large

Take the recent, April 26th events in South Yarra.

Police are apologizing to the public because the attacker`s guns was not first discovered by the police, but by a child playing in the park.

And, after apologizing, the police still pleaded with the public for clues.

As for the series of shoot events from March 1 to today, politicians have spoken:

"Gun crime was out of control in Melbourne and police needed more resources and powers."

Melbourne`s guns crime is out of control, and the police need more resources and rights.

"When you get people gunned down at Fawkner Park, you get people gunned down waiting to go into a night club - this is not the Victoria we need,"

People are shoot in Fawkner Park, shoot in front of nightclubs-this is not the state we want.

How livable is Melbourne? Six recent shoot cases in which 8 people were killed and gunman remains at large

To be honest, all this comes from the proliferation of Melbourne`s illegal channel, guns.

If you really want track back, since 2017, there have been more and more incidents in the shoot case.

In Melbourne`s West side, gang members can even be seen carrying guns in the street with threat people.

Later, there was a period of time when there were house robberies and car robberies, and Melbourne people were at risk, including the crime of gane with a gun robberies.

How livable is Melbourne? Six recent shoot cases in which 8 people were killed and gunman remains at large

It wasn`t until last year that the new guns prohibition bill, (new firearm prohibition), stepped up the crackdown and search for illegal guns, as the law permitted.

With the introduction of the new law, 165 bans have been issued, 145 of which are targeted at individuals, including members of illegal motorcycles, members of the Middle East criminal gangs, and anti-terrorism-related individuals.

It is believed that the number of gun crimes will be less and less under the vigorous crackdown.

However, the police often need to use public power to solve cases, which makes people feel that there is no sense of security.

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