
Two men in Melbourne pretended to be shared car drivers, deceiving the night-walker woman.

[Social News]     19 Dec 2018
A car similar to the type of vehicle involved. (photo of the Daily Telegraph)At the end of July, a woman in Melbourne was sexually assaulted by two men posing as shared car drivers, the Daily Telegraph reported. Police released surveillance footage hoping that people could identify the vehicle and provide clues.
Two men in Melbourne pretended to be shared car drivers, deceiving the night-walker woman.

A car similar to the type of vehicle involved. (photo of the Daily Telegraph)

At the end of July, a woman in Melbourne was sexually assaulted by two men posing as shared car drivers, the Daily Telegraph reported. Police released surveillance footage hoping that people could identify the vehicle and provide clues.

据悉,今年7月29日,墨尔本一名女性在夜间与朋友外出。凌晨3点30分左右,在皇后桥( Queens Bridge)桥底,有两名男子靠近这名女性,他们表示有一辆共享汽车,可以送该女子回家。受害人随后坐上了一辆银色的丰田Yaris汽车,但她被带至阿尔伯特公园(Albert Park),并遭到两名男子性侵。


Police released surveillance footage, hoping that people could identify the vehicle and provide clues.

In addition, the police are looking for a male witness, hoping to talk to him. The man spoke with the victim earlier in the evening.

Two men in Melbourne pretended to be shared car drivers, deceiving the night-walker woman.

The police wanted to communicate with a male witness. ( Picture)

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