
The Queensland Opera House seeks 200 female nudity performances, especially Asian women.

[Social News]     21 Sep 2018
A new opera crew at the Queensland Opera House is looking for 200 women naked to take part in the final act in order to translate a well-known opera, the MeToo era.

A new opera crew at the Queensland Opera House is looking for 200 women naked to take part in the final act in order to translate a well-known opera, the MeToo era.

The Queensland Opera House seeks 200 female nudity performances, especially Asian women.

Mozart`s opera, Don Giovanni, (Don Giovanni, tells the story of a temptation man of all times and his temptation to conquer women throughout Europe. The Queensland Opera House hopes volunteers will be fully naked or semi-naked on stage in the final scene of key time.

The Queensland Opera House seeks 200 female nudity performances, especially Asian women.

Director Lindi Hume (Lindy Hume) says her goal is to end the opera in a different way in the # MeToo era. "as a female director and feminist, and a fan of Giovanni and the story, I want to write in a way that women are on an equal footing and finally give him [a question] why," she said. "he was a villain who lured as many women from all parts of Europe into sex as possible." "he`s a bad guy, in a # MeToo era, and you have to look through this prism at works like Don Giovanni." The final scene of the opera usually saw the protagonist being dragged into hell by a creepy elf, but Ms Hume chose a different ending. "the confrontation between Don Giovanni and the patriarchal leader II reached an inflection point, and Giovanni had to pay the price for his evil behavior," she said. "normally, he was dragged to hell. But I think it would be very special if the last sentence came from all the women he had seduced. " Ms Hume says this is a great opportunity for those who want to experience naked appearances. "We want as many women as possible to take part in tearing up Don Juan, one of the biggest misogynists in history and one of the men who played with women," said Don Giovanni.

The Queensland Opera House seeks 200 female nudity performances, especially Asian women.

(article reproduced from ABCnews)

Comments on Zhengliang

The crew hopes that 200 performers can come from women from all communities, but there is currently a lack of Asian-American participation. Perhaps Asian-American women in Queensland are afraid of being seen naked by acquaintances, the crew`s friend Tobin reported, hoping that Asian-American women in Sydney or Melbourne would be actively involved in the show.

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