
Heart-broken! Melbourne apartment building found a mysterious suitcase, opened and found a.

[Social News]     04 Nov 2018
The moment they opened the suitcase, everyone saw the last thing they wanted to see.A one-year-old husky, badly injured in his head, severely fractured and stuffed into a small suitcase, died when he was found this week in an apartment building in Melbourne.

The moment they opened the suitcase, everyone saw the last thing they wanted to see.

A one-year-old husky, badly injured in his head, severely fractured and stuffed into a small suitcase, died when he was found this week in an apartment building in Melbourne.

Heart-broken! Melbourne apartment building found a mysterious suitcase, opened and found a.

The Society for the Prevention of Animal abuse (RSPCA) is not sure if the dog was dead at the time of abandonment and is conducting interviews with witnesses and an autopsy.

It is not only morally reprehensible, but to know that Victoria will also be severely punished under the law of Victoria, for the extreme cruelty of beatings and dumping of corpses is not only morally reprehensible! The perpetrator could face two years in prison and a fine of up to $75000.

Victoria RSPCA prosecution coordinator Daniel Bode said the incident and previous events heralded an alarming rise in extreme violence against animals.

Under no circumstances can a pet owner end his pet`s life with violence.

The findings are expected to be released by the end of November, when it is possible to determine whether the atrocity he suffered in his lifetime came from his owner.

Heart-broken! Melbourne apartment building found a mysterious suitcase, opened and found a.

In May, a puppy from Staffordshire was also violently abused, suffered multiple fractures and died on the operating table.

"Animals will feel pain just as we do, and we have to treat them with respect," Mr. Bode said.

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